OVERCROSS_Chris Verified

Member Since Dec 2020

from €3.950
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This tour is truly fantastic, but not suffer from vertigo for the participants, because it leads straight to the roof of the heavenly gods.

One third of this motorcycle trip through Tibet takes us on unpaved roads - difficulty for experienced riders, but not really suitable for novice motorcycle. Gravel-basics harm are not sure, but not mandatory.
Sichuan - Lhasa
Welcome to Tibet!

The plane landed in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province. It follows the transfer to the hotel and the rest of the day is at leisure to acclimatize. The next Tasg it goes by air to Lhasa. Since we stay at the centrally located Yak Hotel, we can make an immediate first tour through the Old Town.

To our carefully adjust to the altitude (Lhasa: 3650 m), we initially avoid any unnecessary effort and visit some monasteries in the vicinity of the city.

To get to know the traffic and get used to the first of our bikes, we make a trip to the monastery of Ganden. Here was the Yellow Hat school of the Dalai Lama belongs founded.
Tsetang - Kamba La - Gyantse
About the 5000 m mark

The first real day of riding our motorcycle trip we can tackle relaxed. Along the Lhasa River, we drive to the Yarlung Tsangpo to Tsetang. We visit the temple just outside of Yumbulakhang Tsetang. From here began the colonization of Tibet.

We go back a few kilometers along the Yarlung Tsangpo, our bikes before climbing up to nearly 5000 m. From Kamba La Pass we have a beautiful view to the valley and on the Yamdrok Tso Lake. Before we proceed along the Sacred Lake to Gyantse, we still cross the Karo La (5010m), where the glacier reaches down almost to a 7000ers road.

We visit the monastery and the Kumbum Chorten Pelkor, the only walk-stupa and one of the most impressive buildings on our tour through Tibet.
Sakya - Tingri - Pang La
The Mount Everest Base Camp

About a passport that allows most of the summits between them, we move on to Sakya. After a tour of the fortress monastery of the Sakya we return to the Royal Endfield Highway 318 and the 5220m high Gyatso-La to Tingri. A milestone awaits us: the Mount Everest Base Camp. Before we reach this, we come to the 5120m high Pang La, and it extends (weather permitting) one of the most breathtaking panoramas in front of us: From Kanzendzonga to Xixhapangma and in between the Makala, Mount Everest, Lhotse, Nuptse and the Cho Oyu. The highest peak in the world. Himalaya Pure. Most of us have probably spent the night has never been so high, in the guesthouse of the Rongbuk monastery at 5000m. The final piece to Mount Everest Base Camp, we have to travel by bus.
Shigatse - Damzhung
250 kilos of gold in the belly of the Buddha

Either we head back to the old road to Shigatse, or a little more comfortable on the Friendship Highway. We spend a day exploring the Tashilhunpo Monastery and Shigatses. Perhaps the most impressive Tibetan monastery is the seat of the Panchen Lama. And a huge golden roofs are finished with 250kg gold Buddha statue, the brilliant "to do". First on the Friendship Highway to the side Strassee then it's back to the north. A road less traveled leads us through one of the highest passes in the world, the Shogu-La (5405m) after Damzhung. The incredible pictures of this bike trip is unique and live hard to put into words.
Namtso - Lhasa
A saltwater lake with mountain air

Damzhung of it goes back over a 5000 pass before we reach the holy Namtso lake. The world's largest saltwater lake in Tibet and the highest (4700 m). After this wonderful enjoyment of nature back to the starting point of our tour - to Lhasa.

After two weeks at the top of the world if we should be adjusted to the level that we can climb the 13 floors of the imposing Potala Palace;)

Then we say goodbye to a little nostalgic of Tibet. A bus takes us to the airport in Gongkar.

Probably the highest in the world motorcycle tour! There is much to see, there is much to learn but there is nothing that goes beyond the OVER CROSS-Tibet tour.

If they are planning another trip to India / Tibet / Nepal, please contact the www.overcross2india.com team. The travel experts in Vienna, New Delhi and Bhavnagar are here and there in India for them.
