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Tunisia Off-road tour


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Our off-road vehicle trip to Tunisia over New Year's Eve gives you the opportunity to spend New Year's Eve in a different way. We take you and your off-road vehicles for a fortnight to explore Tunisia off-road. An adventure, with time for the country and its people and of course a lot of off-road and adventure experience from which we take home more than just the sand in our shoes.



Start of the 4x4 New Year's Eve trip:  Tübingen - Genoa - on the ferry to Africa:

All participants will receive an information folder before the tour with meeting point descriptions and a minimum 4x4 camping equipment / preparation list for the 4x4 New Year's Eve trip to the Sahara.

Arrival and meeting for the 4x4 New Year's Eve trip:

  1. Meeting point: The OVERCROSS Off Road Team will start on the first day of the trip (Saturday) early in the morning from Tübingen via Switzerland to Italy.
  2. Meeting point for participants from Switzerland is at a petrol station near the motorway.
  3. The last meeting point of the 4x4 New Year's Eve trip is in the early afternoon at the ferry port of Genoa, where you will receive all documents and cabin tickets from the OVERCROSS tour guide.

In the afternoon all off-road vehicles will board the ferry to Africa and the tour participants will move into their cabins. After dinner, we end the evening on the crossing to Africa with a glass of Italian wine, or optionally a few cans of Tunisian beer.
The sun rises over the Mediterranean Sea, we hand over the entry formalities for the entry into Tunisia, hold the big tour briefing and inform you about the important details of the 4x4 New Year's Eve trip into the Sahara as well as the elementary important African driving information for the off-road vehicle travel team. After we have organised and carried out the chaotic entry on the fast line in the team, we are on the road on the African continent and spend the first night in a hotel near Tunis. After a cosy dinner we will discuss (as after every tour day) the next day of the off-road vehicle trip before we head towards the Sahara.


Land Rover Defender driftet über Schotterpiste in Tunesien

Offroad through Tunisia


Welcome to Africa: Gafsa to Touzeur and the vastness of the desert

We start with the transfer to the south of Tunisia, still on tarred roads, which is also a very special adventure in Tunisia. Our first destination is the gateway to the Sahara, where we experience the area with beautiful gorges and high mountains. From there we take the famous Rommel track to Touzeur, where the off-road vehicle tour "dives" into the desert sand and you get the first off-road driving tips for the desert from the tour guide to safely move your "off roader" through the soft desert sand. We start the next day with time for sightseeing and provisioning in Touzeur. In order for you to feel comfortable in the desert and enjoy the landscape and surroundings, we will start our first metres on sand with another driving training to get you on a safe level in terms of off-road driving techniques and thus be prepared for the Sahara journey or "desert adventure". Get your lightsabers ready for a visit to the Star Wars movie set.

Mit Knicklichtern geschmückter Geländewagen als Weihnachtsbaum am Lagerfeuer

Landrover Defender as Christmas Tree in the Tunisian Sahara


Off-road vehicle trip over the Chott el Djerid to Douz

Depending on the humidity of the salt lake Chott El Cherid, we choose the south or the north route to cross. We will move the off-road vehicles over well-maintained tracks and an impressive wide open space. In Douz we will prepare for our multi-day tour of the Sahara and there will be opportunities to mingle with the people, visit the market and get to know Tunisian culture better. From Douz we move away from civilisation for several days and say goodbye to the desert.


Mit Feuerholz beladener Geländewagen kämpft sich durch Dünenfelder

Sanding in the bizarrely beautiful Tunisian Sahara

Off Road Pure, through the desert to the oasis Ksar Ghilane

In the desert it will be sporty, but this refers more to shovelling and digging than to the driving style. Of course, the way is the goal and we all want to arrive safely together. We increase slowly and some will be surprised which passages they can suddenly master "without problems". Typical for a desert tour, we have an oasis as our destination. Those who have missed trees will not miss them there. There is a warm spring and everything else your heart desires. Party or rest in the dunes depending on how you imagine New Year's Eve and want to start the new year. We will make the New Year's Eve with the participants of the off-road vehicle tour in the Sahara so unspectacular that it will remain a simple and sustainable travel experience in your memory.


Geländewagen Wagenburg Camp in der Wüste

The Sahara in Tunisia is a joy!

Good bye Africa, the off-road vehicle convoy is on its way to Tunis for the ferry:

We return to Tunis via the mountain town of Matmata. This day, even though it takes place on-road, is a tough one. Tunisia's small roads require full concentration and the driving style of the country's inhabitants, which takes some getting used to, demands attention.

On Friday morning the off-road vehicles are "parked" in the ferry again, we set off, good by Africa it was certainly another adventure that will stay with you in your memories for a long time. 

On Saturday we will reach the ferry port of Europe around 15:00 - this is the official end of the journey! The OVERCROSS tour guides will "blow" through to Swabia where we will probably reach Tübingen on Saturday at midnight and have a nightcap ;-) 


Geländewägen stehen in Reih und Glied

Tunisia Sahara Arrival via Off Road Passages and Road


You can find our 4x4 rental vehicles here 


